You are your brand

What is branding?

Today, people want a real connection with who they do business.

It’s important to pay attention to your

know, like, & trust factor.

Personal branding separates you from your competition and draws your ideal client to you.

woman leans forward towards you while sitting in a chair
woman sits with her dog in front of a couch

Personal branding content lets you show the true you. Consistent posting allows your audience to get to know you and learn about you before ever asking anything from them or trying to sell to them.


People like doing business with people (AI won’t replace that connection), especially people they feel they know and have a connection to. Your personal branding deepens that connection and leads to trust.

Two women pose outside for a branding session
Woman sits on patio furniture with mug of coffee

Your audience won’t convert until they trust you. Your personal voice, that they’ve come to know and like, is what will guide them to want to work with our buy from you.

Quick Notes about branding

It’s not about posting your headshot on social media over and over again.

But posts that do include you will get higher engagement. What to post?

Your content should be a mix of you, your product or service, content from others you share, and selling.

People love seeing “behind the scenes” images!

Creating your content doesn’t take a lot of time every week or even month!

Ask me about how we can batch create your content. I can help you create enough in order to post consistently week to week in just four sessions throughout the year. You can increase your know, like, & trust factor easily and draw the perfect clients to you.