Having a current headshot is vital to maintaining your image and your brand. You need to look like you to increase your know, like, and trust factor.
That means several different things when it comes to headshots:
1 – You want to have a current image of yourself. I think we all prefer how we looked when we were younger, slimmer, not as grey, etc. But your clients are doing business with CURRENT YOU. Not the you of yester-year.
2 – The style of your headshot also makes a difference. Look at the three images above. The image on the left is a more traditional headshot. It’s great for executives in corporate positions or for people in more traditional or conservative industries (banking, law, etc).
The image in the middle is a little more relaxed but still presents a more tailored impression. She could be in a career any number of businesses.
The image on the right is every bit as professional but has a casual vibe. This style of headshot is great for those in more artistic fields or where you are encouraged to allow your personality to be part of your business or brand.
When it’s time to update your headshot, take a minute to consider your profession, your brand voice, and your personality. I can help you pinpoint exactly the style you’ll need to put your best face forward.